AM33 Project 1 Answers using wxMaxima
1 Problem 1
(%i1) | de: (1+x^2)*'diff(y,x) + x*y - 2 = 0; |
Here's the easy way to solve it, given that Maxima's ode2 is able to solve this equation
(%i2) | ode2(de,y,x); |
(%i3) | ic1(%,x=0,y=1); |
(%i4) | y_series: taylor(rhs(%),x,0,10); |
Here's how to solve the recurrence using mhw's enhanced solve_rec package
( not yet included in the standard Maxima distribution,
but available at )
(%i5) | load(solve_rec_mhw); |
(%i6) | eq: c[n+1] = -n/(n+1)*c[n-1]; |
(%i7) | solve_rec(eq, c[n], c[0]=1, c[1]=2); |
Here's how to do it with Maxima's standard solve_rec package.
We must break the recurrence into two independent recurrences
of order 1: one for the even indices, and one for the odds.
First, we shift the recurrence by 1,
so that even n corresponds to even indices
(%i9) | load(solve_rec); |
(%i10) | eq: eq, n=n+1; |
Solve the recurrence for even indices
(%i11) | eq, n=k*2, c[n]:=ce[n/2], ratsimp; |
(%i12) | solve_rec(%, ce[k], ce[0]=1); |
(%i13) | %, k=n/2, ce[k]:=c[2*k], ratsimp; |
(%i14) | define(c_even[n], rhs(%)); |
Now solve the recurrence for the odd indices
(%i15) | eq, n=k*2+1, c[n]:=co[(n-1)/2], ratsimp; |
(%i16) | solve_rec(%, co[k], co[0]=2); |
(%i17) | %, k=(n-1)/2, co[k]:=c[2*k+1], ratsimp; |
(%i18) | define(c_odd[n], rhs(%)); |
Combine the even and odds into one unified array function
(%i19) |
c[n] := if evenp(n) then c_even[n] elseif oddp(n) then c_odd[n] else '(c[n])$ |
(%i20) | makelist(c[n],n,0,10); |
(%i21) | trunc(sum(c[n]*x^n,n,0,10)); |
2 Problem 2
(%i22) | kill(all); |
(%i1) | Dy: t^2/(y^2-1); |
Here we use mhw's drawdf package, which is not yet included in the
standard Maxima distribution, but available at
You may also use Maxima's standard plotdf package. Use the same
commands given below, but use "plotdf" instead of "wxdrawdf".
(%i2) | load(drawdf)$ |
(%i3) | wxdrawdf(Dy, [t,y], [t,-3,3], [y,-3,3])$ |
(%i4) |
forward_euler(yprime, tvar, yvar, t0, t1, y0, h) := block([t:t0, y:y0, n:round((t1-t0)/h), k1], for i:1 thru n do ( k1:at(yprime, [tvar=t, yvar=y]), y:y+h*k1, t:t+h ), y )$ |
(%i5) | Dy; |
(%i6) | forward_euler(Dy, t, y, 0, 0.8, 0, 0.02); |
(%i7) | forward_euler(Dy, t, y, 0, 0.8, 0, 0.01); |
(%i8) | forward_euler(Dy, t, y, 0, 0.8, 0, 0.005); |
3 Problem 3
(%i9) | Dy: 3 - 4*t - 2*y/t; |
(%i10) |
backward_euler(yprime, tvar, yvar, t0, t1, y0, h) := block([t:t0, y:y0, n:round((t1-t0)/h)], for i:1 thru n do ( t:t+h, y:find_root(v = y + h*at(yprime, [tvar=t, yvar=v]), v, -1e100, 1e100) ), y )$ |
(%i11) | backward_euler(Dy, t, y, 1, 2, 2, 0.05); |
(%i12) |
improved_euler(yprime, tvar, yvar, t0, t1, y0, h) := block([t:t0, y:y0, n:round((t1-t0)/h), k1, k2], for i:1 thru n do ( k1:at(yprime, [tvar=t, yvar=y]), k2:at(yprime, [tvar=t+h, yvar=y+h*k1]), y:y+h*(k1+k2)/2, t:t+h ), y )$ |
(%i13) | improved_euler(Dy, t, y, 1, 2, 2, 0.05); |
(%i14) |
modified_euler(yprime, tvar, yvar, t0, t1, y0, h) := block([t:t0, y:y0, n:round((t1-t0)/h), k1, k2], for i:1 thru n do ( k1:at(yprime, [tvar=t, yvar=y]), k2:at(yprime, [tvar=t+h/2, yvar=y+h*k1/2]), y:y+h*k2, t:t+h ), y )$ |
(%i15) | modified_euler(Dy, t, y, 1, 2, 2, 0.05); |
Now we find the exact solution and value at t=2
(%i16) | ode2('diff(y,t)=Dy, y, t); |
(%i17) | ic1(%, t=1, y=2); |
(%i18) | expand(%); |
(%i19) | %, t=2; |
4 Problem 4
(%i20) | Dy: t^2 + y^2; |
(%i21) | wxdrawdf(Dy, [t,y], [t,-3,3], [y,-3,3])$ |
(%i22) |
predictor_corrector(yprime, tvar, yvar, t0, t1, y0, h) := block([t:t0+h, lasty:y0, y, n:round((t1-t0)/h), k1, ypre, ycorr], y:improved_euler(yprime, tvar, yvar, t0, t, y0, h), for i:2 thru n do ( k1: at(yprime, [tvar=t, yvar=y]), ypre: y + 3*h/2*k1 - h/2*at(yprime, [tvar=t-h, yvar=lasty]), ycorr: y + h/2*k1 + h/2*at(yprime, [tvar=t+h, yvar=ypre]), [lasty,y]:[y,ycorr], t:t+h ), y )$ |
(%i23) | predictor_corrector(Dy, t, y, 0, 0.5, 0, 0.05); |
5 Problem 5
(%i24) |
picard_iter(yprime, xvar, yvar, x0, y0, expr) := y0 + integrate(subst(yvar=expr, yprime), xvar, x0, xvar); |
(%i25) | 1; |
(%i26) | picard_iter(x*y,x,y,0,1,%), expand; |
(%i27) | picard_iter(x*y,x,y,0,1,%), expand; |
(%i28) | picard_iter(x*y,x,y,0,1,%), expand; |
(%i29) | picard_iter(x*y,x,y,0,1,%), expand; |